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Reverse Dictionary

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vaporize evaporate realize steam encode exhale liquidate coke capitalize gasify fossilize sublimate ozonize evangelize convert canalize decode alcoholize rectify silicify saponify volatilize proselytize caramelize transpire malt digest redeem verbalize serpentinize heat of vaporization nitrify evanesce afforest petrify tan fume acetify vitriolize etherize vapor translate heat acidify pollard transubstantiate basify ionize encipher evanescent lignify receive vitrify mineralize nominalize sublime
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carbonize opalize reek turn hay graphitize ash Romanize reconvert humify catholicize monetize smoke proselyte lapidify fund evaporation etherify coin Islamize flour total heat bituminize slag freeze superheat mash novelize keratinize melanize communalize transform compost code alkalify into ossify precipitate agatize spiritualize arterialize ghettoize aromatize Christianize tanner ice missionary substantivize vaporific digitize decipher vaporizer resolve condense condensation nitrate nebulize automate immobilize vaporous carbonate unitize gelatinize encrypt dew point render pyritize disciple kaolinize mythologize animalize communize esterify neophyte fix invert pedestrianize sporulate reduce bond cipher decrypt anglify encash reafforest converter change condenser emulsify revert make vapour dress provinciate calcify insufflate garrison Redeemer monarchize atomize jasperize rasterize lithify catechumen scrap lumber oxidize commute resinify Judaize boil transmute humanize develop commutate demonize dissolve republicanize secularize salify flash computerize distillation civilianize vinegar liquefy epimerize activate concoct explode disassemble dolomize lignitize spherulitize morocco sulfatize shoddy calcine transduce engine adipocerate sulphate cyanize chymify diazotize pegmatize carbonify rationalize fluidize liquidize crystallize metrify transmogrify frit nitrogen fixation assimilate fumigate calvinize compile inhalator corporatize metricate majorize dextrinize aldolize taw saussuritize reionize anhydridize municipalize steelify epoxidize slurry silicidize parchment muscularize lay down parlay oximate recarnify solidify decimalize set swash jargonize granitize cash moistureproof reclaim rack mercurialize pervert puddle jacobinize cash out negotiate process miasma marmarize vitrificate transfigure fall apart Grecize pile mint fossilify laterize dextrinate money zeolitize apotheosize ferritize multimerize bin chondrify contrail interconvert derivatize phosphatize nounize amidate bonify flintify cloister decryptograph disturnpike operatize glaciate peroxidize adjectivize laicize generator damp gelatinate puff frost thyristor microphone paganize lemmatize gospelize transcode scan poll coafforest thingify neuroticize saccharify lactate soldierize do leatherize inlapidate saccharize interjectionalize relative humidity securitize cretify forest practicalize assembler substantivate cam pidginize nodulize Rumfordize inverter drain substantify oil substantive foam twin desolidify reify monomerize petrific versify malm tyrannize the ontologize adverbialize alchemy humidity work douche daguerreotype volatile approve Marrano ebullition powder robotize Paul create departmentalize laminate tower lapse smash triangulate flake fugacity district sulphonate vitriolate inscribe etherealize sliver recycle Ruskinize arsonate rain expire embezzle arianize transume diode domesticate transistorize vapo- mist float vapori- rejuvenesce transpiration reforestize adjective mannerize hebraize thermophotovoltaic breath fascistize haricot flocculate convertive petrifactive fulfill fluoridize judicialize Scottify terrestrify porcelainize misconvert vaporizable mihanere balladize camera demulsify quaternize discretize regasify sulfochlorinate rusk lap reslush deform tetrazotize machinize faceplate jaw honeyflow monochromatize nitrosify photoactive oxidate coupler rhotacize upcycle muscovitize pastoralize spray tautomerize stylus inhaler vaporate metabolism launder bully annihilate solvate dual nucleus smeech fog saturate demutualize nipponize methodize amphibolitize unitarianize militarize cap geometrize albitize causticize marsupialize Quakerize enfranchise novice assart peptonize question tag chloridize vaporation elaborate reformer step-down parchmentize hutch table nitrogen-fixing produce amylase alter clot Snow phonemicize evaporable regenerate prill latent heat serialize vaporproof funk bath descend break aerosolize radioactivate break something down noun monasticize protestantize logicize staticize square look thiamine hydrosphere nebulizer transition club scenarize rime pill battalion shock factorize engage supersaturate see the light English become probe chapter section curdle notate wave sprout sectionize canton flitch emplace furcate divide fork particularize granulate rise deflocculate camera tube photomultiplier dross uncomment television Tans tube generator spin pump-bob conversion deflagrate frozen froze freezing project form carburettor desuperheat devaporation vaporable sweat scrub stew air seal insufflation blow algebraicize mahometanize acid rain socialize evangelistic industrialize containerize westernize ritualize kill cracking dry–ash prenasalize manorialize polymerize vaporing atmid- digital television queen record monodactylous vapored contrapose rightsize cash something in (or North American cash out) vapor seal downcode panification photoconvert utilize phototransduction sail fire reverse mortgage Ziervogel process descramble inveigle unproselyte metricize bimorph security replotter discriminator transformer diazomethane dynamotor converting converted convertite vaporization recarbonate quality reversed line electric guitar deaden fermentation humect transcribe cross-assembler chemosensor thematize fuff dampproof sherardize killing bottle subtilization nebulization bump association scald volatility bloom thermal ionization inhalation crow arsenical seed sinicize critical temperature re-reform maula coagulate electronify vocalize medicalize char reanneal scanner demilitarize darwinize purloin annuitize evangelist decompress nationalize methanize swizzle recatholize equilibrium sodium lamp mercury lamp WVTR miasmic Joachimite cochlear implant pneumat- rescue mission vaporose mercury–arc lamp Philemon vaporless vaporiferous phosphofructokinase reversal burn electrify Knight of the Sword insufflator common recovery dairy breed use atomizer chlorophyll restructure cross-compiler specific humidity heat of condensation Soxhlet apparatus boast strombolian bourgeoisify mohammedanize dispark baalize bring convection avow socinianize degrade RCIA mortgage antenna invest BLEVE latecomer redevelop Cooper–Hewitt lamp hardtop vaporescence Khadijah repurpose metamorphose transformational rule drink hydrologic cycle breathe diffusion pump liquid blue powder associated Russian bath flash point discharge lamp repugnatorial gland carbonizer saturated vapor liquefaction entrain fumatorium sodium light rostrum bleach gas engine ceruse chamber process normalize xylan rehalogenize titrate CNO cycle safety valve annualize diaphragm salary colorize sample digitalize scorn upstart bang slice fumigation flame tonometer vaporish humid distillate Knox gear enridge cutinize row sink reckon bite blame bone ensile dag ground sprig penetrate cube conscript quarter fragment chide dissever distribute discombobulate chops chop back broken blow up fillet ball perturb allylate procreate apply sequester pellet a- allow coil miasm mosaic amount candy peer play separate compartment see about splice subjugate counterpoise come apart regiment strike stuff stir merotomize prismatize picket effect dishevel whack up envenomate erode fill exile take cantle crumble gavel study subgroup space wattle zone butt consociate express empty hank Latinize camerate caudle pelletize appear broke align centuriate begin demoralize cut up setting squad sector snafu subdivide research lock lighting schismatize splinter block bankrupt bar felt factionalize account dump dough disconcert dismember clod cloth land incarcerate irrupt italicize briquette sheet tuft position syllable sunder whip branch rice Christian paragraph disrank fray disaggregate disarrange disarray light lightness lights lit incise indagate cover in squiggle drift launch scroll uprise rip assubjugate rhyme adjust arise barge bedevil bale

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Words For "to convert into vapor"

As you've probably noticed, words for "to convert into vapor" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "to convert into vapor" are: vaporize, evaporate, realize, steam, and encode. There are 897 other words that are related to or similar to to convert into vapor listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "to convert into vapor" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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